

Âge: 31
Experience: 1 an
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Cours d'essai gratuit
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Biologie cellulaire, Immunologie
École maternelle, École primaire, Lycée, Classe de sixième
Langues enseignées: English, Punjabi, Urdu

Mes qualifications

My educational background includes my post graduation (masters) in biomedical sciences and graduation in microbiology where I selected cell biology, immunology, virology or other subjects as my elective courses.


Although I may not have prior teaching experience, my expertise in the field of biology is vast and I am eager to impart my knowledge to enthusiastic learners like you. My journey in biology began with a strong academic foundation. I obtained a Bachelor's degree in Microbiology , followed by a Master's degree in Biomedical sciences. Throughout my educational journey, I immersed myself in various research projects, exploring diverse aspects of the interdisciplinary biological sciences. This hands-on experience has given me a deep understanding of the practical applications of biology and the ability to convey complex concepts in a simplified manner. As for my teaching methods, I believe in fostering an interactive and engaging learning environment. I understand that each student has unique learning styles and preferences, so I strive to tailor my teaching methods to cater to individual needs. Whether through visual aids, real-life examples, or interactive discussions, I aim to make the learning process enjoyable and comprehensible


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