5.0 (1 avis)

Yiyang Jin

Âge: 24
Experience: 4 an
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Cours d'essai gratuit
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Chimie générale
École maternelle, École primaire, Lycée, Classe de sixième, Stagiaire, Université, Adultes
Langues enseignées: English, Chinese

Mes qualifications

University college London—Advanced materials science,

MSc Queen Mary University of London— materials science and engineering,

Bachelor degree

SAMPE first award

English speech competition first award

Mathematical modeling competition first award


My major is advanced materials science which is also related to chemistry. I am also very into learning languages. I have great passion of teaching other people Mandarin, which is my mother tongue. Besides, I am also highly self-motivated to language learning myself. I am fluent in English and have four-year French learning experience so far. I am also learning Korean and German as well. As a result, from my first-handed experience, I know how to help language learners to master a language, specifically speaking, Mandarin, very effectively. Moreover, I know also what difficulties might occur during the process of language learning, and what strategies should be applied correspondingly for better Mandarin learning. I am also very confident and happy in teaching others piano. I have got the the 10th certification (which is the highest one in China) of Piano when I was twelve.


Yiyang is the best Mandarin tutor I have had and I have no idea where I would be in my progress or confidence without her. She was always so flexible to my needs and helped me in every aspect of my Mandarin, taking time to work over specific weaknesses but also making sure I was well-rounded in all of the main skills. She made me much more comfortable speaking and has the patience of a saint. Anyone who is able to have her as a tutor is definitely lucky to have such a kind, patient and creative person teach them.
6 Juin’ 23


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Yiyang Jin