

Âge: 23
Experience: 4 an
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Rédaction de CV, Lecture, Anglais américain, TOEFL
École maternelle, École primaire, Lycée, Classe de sixième, Université
Langues enseignées: Arabic, English

Mes qualifications

I have studied in english ever since I was a child and although its not my mother tongue but after all these years of speaking and learning in English I consider it to be. I have a high score in TOEFL which would prove it. On the other hand, I got into the fitness industry six years ago teaching myself the science behind it, how to build a healthy and amazing body, proven by some certification which i claimed online


Hi there! My name is William Ghandour, and I am a 21-year-old student with a strong background in English language, fitness, and nutrition knowledge. I am passionate about sharing my knowledge with others and helping them achieve their goals. In terms of teaching methods, I believe in taking a flexible approach that can be tailored to each individual student's needs. Whether you prefer a structured lesson plan or a more free-form approach, I will work with you to find the best way to help you learn. While I have a broad knowledge base in English language, fitness, and nutrition, Whether you're looking to improve your academic English skills, lose weight, or improve your athletic performance, I can provide tailored coaching to help you reach your goals. As a teacher, I am patient, encouraging, and always willing to adapt to different learning styles. I believe that every student has the potential to succeed, and I am committed to helping you achieve your goals. If you're interested in working with me, please don't hesitate to get in touch!


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