

Âge: 24
Experience: 7 an
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Cours d'essai gratuit
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Arithmétique, Algèbre
Phonétique, OET, ESOL, ESP, FCE, EAP (Anglais à des fins académiques), SAT, Lecture, Anglais américain
École primaire, Lycée, Classe de sixième, Université, Adultes
Langues enseignées: English

Mes qualifications

1. Bachelor in Secondary Education Major in English(2019)
2. Licensed Professional Teacher(2019)
3. 150-Hour TESOL Certified(2021)
3. 5+ years of teaching experience


Hi there! I'm Welgin Kadusale. I am from the Philippines. I am 26 years old and a Licensed professional teacher in the philippines. I am patient, easy-going, humorous, and good-natured kind of person. I am very passionate about teaching young learners ,therefore teaching is my passion. I am very good at handling young learners when it comes to teaching them the English language not just only that but they shoudl learn on how to appreciate and value the language. I Graduated with the Bachelor of Secondary Education Major in English from Negros Oriental State university last 2019, and after I became a Licensed Professional Teacher in the Philippines. I also acquired a 150 hour TESOL certificate from American Global Tesol Association and a 120-hour TEFL certifcate from Teachers Record. The language that I can speaK is English in Advanced lEVEL. I can also speak Filipino Language as my MOTHER TOUngue LANGUAGE. I have been teaching english online for more than 5 years.I tried a range of methods and techniques in teaching which would really help students to learn in a more fun and interactive way.I also have the ability to to shape lesson according to the needs of my students.


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