

Âge: 21
Experience: 7 an
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Trigonométrie, Algèbre, Algèbre linéaire
Stagiaire, Université, Adultes
Langues enseignées: Arabic, English

Mes qualifications

I have a bachelor's degree in mathematics and minor in finance. I have 6 years of experience in teaching math for middle school, high school and college students.


My name is Welayat Nasser. I have a bacholar degree is in Mathematics and a minor in Finance. I am the type of person who likes to get a chance to experience new things because it makes me believe in myself and be more confident. I also want to do something for my community. I am interested in teaching math because math is one subject I find myself with it. Chosing to major in Mathematics because math is an excellent and concrete science, balancing truth and justice stories. I feel mathematics helps the world be more analytical and logical about what we have been exposed to in our daily life. Math helps me to be the person I am today by making me believe that there is a solution to all the obstacles that we face in our lives.


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Lycée, Classe de sixième, Stagiaire, Université, Adultes