

Âge: 48
Experience: 6 an
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Anglais des affaires, Anglais américain, TOEFL
École primaire, Lycée, Stagiaire, Université, Adultes
Langues enseignées: English


Hello, potential students! My name is Tony, and I'm thrilled to share a bit about myself as an educator. My journey began as a business professional, where I gained knowledge and experience in various roles. Those roles were from salesman to manager, to public speaker and business ownership. I started my own successful soup company! However, I felt a strong calling to share my knowledge and wisdom with others, which led me to transition into teaching. With my background in business, I bring real-world experience into the classroom. I believe in making connections between theoretical concepts and practical applications to help students grasp the subject matter more effectively. In terms of teaching methods, I strive to create an engaging and supportive learning environment. I encourage active participation through discussions, group activities, and hands-on projects. I believe in technology, and continuing education. If you don't adapt, you die. I believe that fostering a collaborative atmosphere allows students to not only learn from me but also learn from each other. While my teaching methods are adaptable, my specialization lies in business English, relationship building, interviewing and resume writing, and most important, empathy. Above all, my goal as an educator is to empower you.


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