

Âge: 25
Experience: 10 an
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Rédaction de CV, Rédiger une dissertation, Lecture, Anglais britannique, Anglais américain, TOEFL
École maternelle, École primaire, Lycée, Adultes
Langues enseignées: English, Turkish

Mes qualifications

İ studied in basildon at james hornsby high school. Now i am studying in basildon college. İ have a 120 HR tesol certificate.


I have been teaching English for 8 years to students of all ages (kindergarten, primary school, middle school, etc.). I love teaching; it is like I was born to teach. I have taught many beginning pupils, mostly in the classroom face-to-face with the students, and I have done a lot of online lessons too. I have prepared a lot of meetings for the teachers and spoken, guided them about classroom management, teaching methods, creative lesson plans, and teamwork. I love to guide my colleagues, and I love for them to guide me too because I like to learn and teach. I have taught English as a foreign language to over 5000 students, and I have only started my journey. The best feeling in the world for me is seeing progress in my students. It makes me the happiest man alive. It's amazing being a teacher, and I have talent for teaching. Teaching isn't the most important thing for me. Making a bond with the student and understanding the student's needs are very essential for a teacher to know their students very well. Every student has their own different skills and talents, and I love getting to know them on that journey while we are learning. My lessons are always creative and very fun, and there are always activities for the students because it is very effective to teach a topic with an activity. It makes it much easier for the kids to learn while having fun, so that's my style of teaching.


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