

Âge: 20
Experience: 4 an
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Trigonométrie, Géométrie, Arithmétique, Algèbre, Algèbre linéaire, Abaque, SAT Math Test
École maternelle, École primaire, Lycée
Langues enseignées: English

Mes qualifications

I achieved 7A*s and 3As at GCSEs and AAA at A-level in Maths, Economics and Politics. I am currently reading Economics and Politcs at the University of Bristol, and have been tutoring for 2 years now.


I am a first year Economics and Politics student currently studying at a top 10 university in the UK. At GCSE I achieved 7 A*s and 3 As which included both Maths, English and sciences and afterwards went to a Grammar school for sixth form where I achieved AAA in Maths, Economics and Politics. I have tutored from the ages of 3-18 and so I have the necessary experience to help your child with their studies in mathematics, economics and politics. For the first lesson I like to work through a bank of questions to know which topics that your child is confident on and need work on. From there I will begin to work through these topics and also provide homework after every session. After I teach these topics I like to do mini tests during the lesson to make sure that your child fully understands the topic that we are going over. This teaching method has been used for a number of my students and has proven to be a sucessful way for them to score highly in their exams.


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