

Âge: 46
Experience: 26 an
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Lycée, Classe de sixième, Stagiaire, Université, Adultes
Langues enseignées: German, Spanish

Mes qualifications

Sep 2002 – Sep 2004 MA History of Art (Film and Visual Media), Birkbeck Sep 1997-June 2000 BA Photography & Art, University of Westminster Sep 2010 - June 2011 Certificate in Youth Work at Open University (Year 1 completed) Jan-Sep 1999: Exchange Year (Erasmus) at EFFPC, Photography School, Terrassa/Barcelona Oct 1992- Sept 1996: BA in English Studies and Italian Studies (Literature and Linguistics, Basic Teacher Training), University of Cologne, Zwischenprufung 1992-1993: Exchange Year at Universita “La Sapienza”, Rome, Italy (Italian Cinema and Literature)


I have worked in the field of education for the past twenty years around London and Europe, and I always enjoyed working with young people. My varied experience has enabled contact and dialogue with an eclectic mix of people, whether teaching in various institutions or attending educational events. Throughout my employment I have always promoted the opportunity for every individual to learn and work in a safe and nurturing environment, regardless of their ethnicity, gender or ability. I have been teaching in higher education, extensively involved in youth/community/school projects and also worked many years as a language tutor teaching GSCE and A Level students German and Spanish. I speak German, Spanish, Italian, Russian and Hungarian fluently (and also good French), which has been of great advantage when dealing with students from different cultural backgrounds. Being able to facilitate pupils in their exploration of different learning processes has been one of my greatest rewards and also serves as a strong inspiration for my own personal and creative development. I have studied one year of Youth Work at Open University and I have also studied at the IoE on the PGCE programme MFL for secondary schools. All my tutees achieved high grades in their exams and I can provide excellent references from their parents.


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