

Âge: 25
Experience: 4 an
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Cours d'essai gratuit
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Anglais américain
École primaire, Lycée, Université, Adultes
Langues enseignées: English, Spanish

Mes qualifications

I have studied English translation at university and will soon start a BA in an international university in Madrid in English. I have a TESOL certificate from LTTC and also an IELTS certificate with a total band score of 7.5 of the academic module. I have experience teaching English as a foreign language to teenage students both through an online platform and also in person private tutoring sessions. I am currently learning Spanish at a language school and want to start learning German as a fourth language in the future.


Hello everyone, My name is Tara and I am an English teacher currently living in Spain, Madrid as a student. I love learning languages and I think it could be a fun activity once you find the right material and also the right person to guide you through the process. I do one on one online classes and my hours are flexible. During the course of the classes I will introduce a book which will be our main guide throughout the classes and also we will take advantage of other authentic material like movies, books, quotes and songs to make sure we get the best out of the classes and learn to use language in a real-life situation.


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