

Âge: 48
Experience: 9 an
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École maternelle, École primaire, Lycée
Langues enseignées: English

Mes qualifications

Degree in Accountancy and Tourism. ECDL- Microsoft software package from UK


I am looking to pursue a career as a Tutor within the primary/secondary sector. I have lots of valuable experience that I could bring to your organisation and I am passionate about having a positive input in the lives of young children, helping pupils in all areas of the National Curriculum by creating a positive learning environment.

My passion began working with children as an IT Tutor with Click IT where I taught children computing skills. Over the five years, I developed confidence to assess children individually and as a group, found ways to motivate the children to persevere when finding something challenging and communicated with the parents about their child’s progress. I found this extremely rewarding when parents gave feedback that their children were keen to attend computing lessons and that I positively contributed towards their learning and confidence. Since then, I have worked at Grimsdyke Primary School gaining experience as a teaching assistant. Over the last seven years I have worked with children in reception, year 2 and year 5. Grimsdyke has provided me with the opportunity to become a PPA cover teacher, where I was responsible for planning, delivering and assessing music and religious education lessons. I relished this challenge and thoroughly enjoyed being responsible to deliver a creative, inspiring curriculum to these children. As well as this, I was also responsible for several interventions to support the children who needed additional help to understand new concepts, or to challenge the higher attaining children. I have planned, delivered and assessed mental maths, spellings, reading comprehension, maths reasoning, handwriting, phonics and creative writing sessions. Throughout the seven years, I have thought of new ideas to run exciting, appropriate interventions that challenges all learners. I have learnt to be vigilant to pupil progress, achievement and also behaviour. The headteacher often complimented my behaviour management strategies and I was used to cover classes when the class teacher was absent, this gave me experience working off lesson plans and marking and assessing children’s work. As well as my experience, I have many other additional skills that I could bring to your school. I am bilingual in three languages, fluently speaking and writing English, Hindi and Gujarati. I am a creative, positive and confident lady who wants to help deliver a memorable school experience to all children.


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