

Âge: 51
Experience: 21 an
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ESOL, FCE, Rédiger une dissertation, Lecture, Anglais des affaires, Anglais américain, CAE, CPE, IELTS
École primaire, Lycée, Stagiaire, Université, Adultes
Langues enseignées: English, Italian

Mes qualifications

I have been educated at Michigan State University. I received a Bachelor of Arts in Political Science-Pre Law. Further educational background has been achieved through 20 years of teaching English as a second language. My most relevant qualifications include the following: - teaching of English at every level from children to adults - demonstration of effective lesson planning, progress management, and student motivation >20 years of teaching academic and business WRITING skills - ability to deal with and relate to students from a diverse range of backgrounds, cultures and ethnicities - ability to quickly assess students' English level and capacity - ability to create engaging and stimulation lessons 18 years of Cambridge Assessment Test program experience from A1 - C2 ("starters" to "proficiency") > Achieved >90% success rate in student performance on official Cambridge Exams - over 2 years of high school classroom teaching experience


I have over 20 years of TESL teaching experience. >90% success in rate in helping students pass IELTS, PET, FCE, CAE & CPE Cambridge exams. Strong emphasis on BUSINESS ENGLISH writing and speaking. I have taught students from all kinds of backgrounds and ages from 7-67. My major strengths are writing, speaking and vocabulary. For 3 years I have been teaching §English online and I have developed an effective method for helping professionals increase their CONFIDENCE when speaking by catering each lesson to the student's specific strengths and weaknesses. My method for increasing speaking and listening is a fun mix of conversation about current events, political matters and anything my students might be interested in; from technology to medicine and even spirituality. I also place a huge focus on improving pronunciation, catching the little errors which prevent student's from sounding like a native speaker, as well as increasing vocabulary, phrasal verbs and idiom usage.


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