My name's Stefania Bruno, I'm 48 years old and I work in public sector of my country, in Italy. My role consists in direction's activities, and coordination of human resources that are in my manager area.
I have many choice's responsabilities of results obtained in issues of my competence.
Into my roles, there Is also tutoring and teaching for young people who want to obtain speciality in public administration matters.
In fact, in this sector, I had many experiences as teacher and tutor for public offices, in 2013, 2014 until 2022.
My method of study is full remote and it is articolated in 4 steps:
1. To explain students the object of matter, in particular every single argument;
2. To ask students to tell me theirs opinions on matter;
3. To repeat with students all program;
4. To simulate by tests examination they will to do.
Either, I'll send to students, in theirs mail, little summaries of lessons in power point slides.
One week first examination, I will repeat one hour by day with them.
At last, my free time for this activity is all Monday, Wednesday from 5.00 pm to 19 pm and Friday from 3 pm to 19 pm.