

Âge: 25
Experience: 3 an
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ESP, Rédiger une dissertation, Anglais américain, IELTS
Trigonométrie, Algèbre, Algèbre linéaire
École primaire, Lycée, Classe de sixième, Stagiaire, Université, Adultes
Langues enseignées: English, Persian

Mes qualifications

I hold a bachelor's degree in mechanical engineering and I have an English article relevant to my field of studying published on Elsevier website. Moreover, I have got a TEFL certificate, which indicates my qualifications to be an English teacher.


Hello, this is Ali. I am a 23-year-old certified and energetic English teacher who has been teaching English for almost 11 months. Throughout my experience, I have had this magnificent opportunity to work with all different age groups, including kids, teens, and adults. I love all of them because they all have something intriguing to offer and mesmerize you with. To briefly mention some, I can say that kids are really exuberant and energetic, which matches my personality, and it has helped me to have engaging, informative classes with them. As for teens, they are full of new ideas and good vibes. As for adults, they are so respectful and they have a clear objective to learn English so it facilitates working with them. Lastly, my teaching method differs depending upon the age group and students' needs. However, I have taken on methods like, learning through playing games, for instance, playing codename online with my student, which is a fun way to discuss new vocabulary with them. Besides that, I tend to give my students different chances to discover new words and grammar rules by either providing a good number of examples or playing a video on that specific grammar rule. One more thing is that I usually provide my students with a personalized plan to study English based on.


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