

Âge: 46
Experience: 18 an
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École primaire, Lycée, Classe de sixième, Université, Adultes
Langues enseignées: English, Spanish

Mes qualifications

I completed eight years of education at University, gaining the following degrees BMus (Hons) in Performance Studies Postgraduate Diploma in Performance Studies Postgraduate Advanced Diploma in Performance Studies MMus (Masters of Arts) in Performance Studies I'm a performing pianist with an extensive performing background. Parallel to my career as a concert pianist, chamber musician and session player, I have taught extensively; not only in the music field but in other subjects too, namely Spanish, English as a second language and IT, both privately and in various different schools.


I love teaching because I love seeing my students "click" with the subject and realise their potential. It's very satisfying to witness their confidence grow as I point them in the right direction of growth and development. I'm very friendly, patient, encouraging and at the same time demanding and very thorough. I want you to make the most of every minute of learning!


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