

Âge: 28
Experience: 6 an
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EAP (Anglais à des fins académiques)
École primaire
Langues enseignées: English, French

Mes qualifications

I am currently learning French in France with Institut Linguistique Adenet. My interest in languages began four years ago when I got the opportunity to travel to Côte d'Ivoire Abidjan, where I learned to speak, read and write the French language from July 2017 – December 2018. From then on I was inspired. I began working on my language skills to improve my French, then decided to travel to France to learn and master the language. I graduated from Cambridge International College two years ago with a diploma in Education & Teaching Classroom Management & Psychology with a grade of Distinction. I have a diploma in French Level B1 and currently awaiting my second diploma in French Level B2.


I am friendly and approachable and I love teaching. In May 2016, I finished my secondary education at Our Lady of Mercy Senior High School in Ghana and received my WASSCE certificate. My elective subjects were French, English Literature, and History. I have also taken short courses in the French language towards further studies as a graduate. My interest in languages began four years ago when I got the opportunity to travel to Côte d'Ivoire Abidjan, where I learned to speak, read and write the French language from July 2017 – December 2018. From then on I was inspired. I began working on my language skills in order to improve my French and have started learning a bit of the Spanish language from Duolingo because it is one of the languages I would like to study at the university. To me learning a new language is a way of being expressive and creative, and every time I learn a new language, I feel unique in my own way as well as a sense of accomplishment. I have experience in teaching English and French to young ones and adults. The best way to learn a language is to first of all understand your students, know their respective backgrounds and their reasons for choosing to learn it. This is a teaching skill I use mostly in teaching my students.


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