

Âge: 21
Experience: 3 an
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L'histoire du monde
Lycée, Classe de sixième
Langues enseignées: Akan, Spanish

Mes qualifications

Achieved 11 Grade 9s at GCSE Obtained 3 A*s in Spanish, Maths, and Further Maths A-Levels Achieved a D1 Grade in History Cambridge Pre-U Finished first year at Bristol University reading Spanish and Politics BA. On track for First-Class Honours


My name’s Sam. I am a Spanish and Politics student at the University of Bristol. I play rugby, football and tennis and love to listen to music. I am looking to provide help for GCSE and A-Level Spanish students. Having had a variety spanish teachers along the way I understand both the frustration that you feel when the teaching style is not right for you, and the enjoyment you can feel when you get a teacher that really stimulates and challenges you. I am lucky that I have experienced the latter more but I’m aware that’s not always the case. Nevertheless, Spanish a fantastic language to learn and I believe that I can be someone that helps you enjoy the language as much as I do and understand it on a deeper level.

My approach is very adaptable to the circumstance of the tutee. If needed, I can focus on a particular area that you perhaps struggle with. Or, if preferred, I can cover all aspects of the language to further your understanding. My lessons will last an hour. However, if needed (and if possible, with my timetable) I would be willing to do longer lessons nearer the exam period. I will base my teaching around a variety of different materials - videos, audios and written texts that I will then use to create stimulating and challenging exercises for the student to engage in. I have had experience at helping students at my school improve their Spanish.


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