

Âge: 34
Experience: 12 an
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Anglais des affaires
Université, Adultes
Langues enseignées: English, Russian, Ukrainian

Mes qualifications

Master's degree in Philology and Teaching English, TESOL and TEFL teaching Business English certificates


I do not believe that a teacher can one day stop and say, “That's it, I know all English and the methods of teaching it. There is nothing more to surprise me.” This process is endless and it takes two sides - your students and yourself. I can say that I constantly learn from my students! Each new direction I teach (English for HR-specialists, IT-recruiters or general business direction) was once a discovery for me. From the first students who introduced themselves as specialists in this field, then the second, the third... Since then, for 9 years already, my students have been successful in many ways: 1. They are no longer afraid to answer calls in English. 2. They not just understand their English-speaking colleagues on online calls, but actively participate in the conversation alongside everyone else. 3. Calmly and most importantly, correctly do they correspond by email and in messengers. Because they finally understood the structure of the English sentence. Hooray! 4. They write job descriptions faster and better and find the required specialists among the tons of CVs in English. 5. They think in English and don’t waste energy worrying about “will they understand me?”. 6. They find their dream jobs and improve the quality of their life. 7. They organize and conduct trainings in English 8. And they successfully cope with business trips abroad This is what learning English with me gives my students. And what makes me pround of each of them.


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