5.0 (1 avis)


Âge: 24
Experience: 5 an
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Cours d'essai gratuit
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Trigonométrie, Géométrie, Arithmétique, Algèbre, Mathématiques appliques, Algèbre linéaire, Abitur
Mécanique, Grandeurs physiques, concepts, tâches, Abitur
Lycée, Classe de sixième, Adultes
Langues enseignées: English, Italian

Mes qualifications

I have recently graduated with a masters in Aerospace engineering. I have been involved in many projects in various different fields including, robotics, mechanics, automotive, theoretical physics and mathematics. For the past 4 years I have been a tutor alongside my studies and provided my outmost knowledge to help my students achieve to their fullest potential.


Hi I am Rafi, I am soon to be graduating with a Masters in Aerospace Engineering (I don’t fly planes btw). I have been a Tutor for the past 4 years along side my degree and most of my students loved the way I delivered my lessons. I am willing to the same for you, I am an easy going guy, you can joke about, have a laugh and take it to your own pace. Remember Rome wasn’t built in a day. I am well versed in physics and mathematics due to the nature of my field, but also into video games, sports and music (I am running out of shows to watch if you have any recommendations share them after class).


When I first started with Rafi I thought I was going to hate learning and never had a good experience in the past with tutors. However he made the lessons interactive and understandable. He is someone you can Joke around with and still learn a great amount from.
10 Juin’ 23

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