

Âge: 20
Experience: 5 an
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Rédiger une dissertation, Lecture
Géométrie, Algèbre
École maternelle, École primaire, Lycée
Langues enseignées: English, Tamil

Mes qualifications

I started my basic education at Hindu Ladies College, Sri Lanka, in English medium. I did my GCE (O/L) there and received 5As (English, Tamil, Mathematics, Business Studies, and Hinduism), 2Bs (History and IT), 1C (Science), and 1S (English literature). Then I completed my Foundation in Business course at the University of Technology Sydney, Sri Lankan branch, with a 7.4 GPA. Next, I completed a Foundation in Pastry and Bakery course at Lanka International Hotel School because of the passion I had for baking. While doing all these things, I've been tutoring a few kids from age 5 to 16 in my free time in subjects like mathematics, English, history, geography, Tamil, and Hinduism. I had to hand those kids over to one of my good friends since I was moving to the UK. Now I'm currently pursuing my BA (Hons) in International Business at University of Chester.


Hi, I'm Pragashine Chandrasekaran, but most people call me Makayla since it's my middle name and it's easier to pronounce. I'm currently a student at the University of Chester in the United Kingdom. I'm originally from Sri Lanka. And back in my home country, we didn't have lots of opportunities to have private tutoring to improve our studies, so I always wanted to tutor kids as soon as I grew up. I began to fulfill that dream when I had free time in between my studies back in Sri Lanka, but I had to pause it due to my migration process. And now that I'm all settled in the UK, I would love to engage with some wonderful students and help them improve their studies. I'm very friendly with students since I'm one too. I know what students expect from their tutors, lecturers, and teachers. And I guarantee you that I can be your go-to person when it comes to personal or private tutoring.


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