

Âge: 50
Experience: 22 an
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Trigonométrie, Géométrie, Arithmétique, GMAT Quantitative, Mathématiques appliques, Algèbre linéaire
École primaire, Lycée, Classe de sixième
Langues enseignées: English, Chinese

Mes qualifications

QTS holder BSC in Mathematics from Hong Kong University of Science and Technology 20+ teaching experience especially strong in GCSE and Alevel Maths


After Graduate from HKUST with a BSC(math), I worked for an estate agency for 3 years, where I can learn to communicate with clients effectively, knowing their needs and help to find a suitable flat for their families. Then I join the education industry, teaching for over 20 years, subjects taught includes mathematics, IT, geography and liberal studies. I involved in many different positions such as Discipline Master, System Admin, Panel Head of Mathematics Department, which I handle students with different behavior difficulties, deal with school technical issues including development e-learning system, maintenance of hardware and software of the school and also manage a department with a large number of teammates. I mainly taught senior forms mathematics and always keep the public exam pass percentage >90% even in very weak groups. I believe every child can be changed, positive enforcement always gains confident to children. I am now seeking a new educational career in UK to continue develop my career with the past experience.


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