

Âge: 37
Experience: 10 an
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École maternelle, École primaire, Lycée, Classe de sixième, Stagiaire, Université, Adultes
Langues enseignées: Bengali, English, Persian, Hindi, Urdu

Mes qualifications

  • Master's in Education with Certification and Special Education Focus,
  • Master of Science in Early Childhood Development,
  • Bachelor of Arts in English,
  • Certificate in Teaching English Language as a Second or Foreign language,
  • Teaching Certification, Washington DC


I have completed a Master's in Education with Certification and Special Education Focus. Before this, I completed a master’s program in Early Childhood Development and obtained my teaching certificate.

I have been working at an international school, as a student pastoral care/school office manager, since 2016. Working in an international setting has taught me to be able to communicate at a level that values linguistic, religious, cultural, and ethnic diversity.

Being multilingual myself has always worked to my advantage as it equips me with the ability to broaden my range of communication.

In addition to this, I have also worked with various institutions in Bangladesh that cater to students who require learning support. During this time, I have demonstrated my competence in managing students with special needs, designing individualized plans, arranging materials, gathering data, and interacting with parents. I am delighted to share that my students have benefited from working with me, and I have received encouraging feedback from parents.

I firmly believe in helping children achieve skills to be independent learners, simultaneously ensuring mental, physical, and, emotional growth.


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