5.0 (1 avis)


Âge: 23
Experience: 4 an
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Cours d'essai gratuit
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Trigonométrie, Géométrie, Algèbre
Anglais des affaires, Anglais britannique, Anglais américain, TOEFL
École primaire, Lycée, Classe de sixième, Université, Adultes
Langues enseignées: Arabic, English, French

Mes qualifications

I hold a bachelor's degree in experimental sciences with honors. I had the opportunity to study at a pilot high school during my secondary years, which allowed me to acquire a strong foundation in both scientific and literary subjects under excellent conditions. I have always approached my studies with seriousness and methodology. Afterwards, I ventured into the field of economics by pursuing a degree in International Business Management (in English) in Portugal. Whether it's because I enjoy challenges or because my academic performance made me eligible without any issues, I successfully participated in the Erasmus program this year and obtained two scholarships to study at the University of Bari in Italy (for one semester) and currently at the University of West Attica in Greece.


I am an undergraduate student specializing in business management, passionate about microeconomics, statistics, and finance. I am a sociable and organized person, and I enjoy traveling. "Qui dit maths dit souffrance et mécontentement" was my favorite phrase since I was young. But gradually, I found the best method to learn to love this subject.

Together, we can solve math problems using a fairly simple methodology:

1- Creating a summary of the lesson with a creative memorization of the rules.

2- Solving exercises based on your interests.

3- "Questions and answers" to clarify doubts.

Don't forget that I love languages and I am fluent in English (C1), French (C2), Arabic (C2), Portuguese (A2), German (B1), and Italian (A2). So, I am capable of helping you learn them.


i love taking lessons with MELEK ! HE IS A CHEERFUL HAPPY PERSON
11 Juin’ 23


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