

Âge: 55
Experience: 22 an
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École primaire, Lycée, Université, Adultes
Langues enseignées: English

Mes qualifications

My name is María Paz, I am a psycho-pedagogue and elementary school teacher, and I have dedicated my professional life to working in educational institutions in Chile. I´ve worked for more than 20 years in the education field, working in different multidisciplinary teams to create learning and inclusive spaces for students with special educational needs and those who are falling behind in their studies. My motivation to work in education is based on the possibility of providing support to those who face learning processes, taking into account that each person has different learning abilities and rhythms. I am convinced that providing additional support and creating diverse spaces can reduce the educational gap in a community and allow the development of new skills.


Hi, I'm Maria Paz. I'm a mother of two teenagers and I've lived all my life in Chile, but today I've decided to move to Portugal. I hope to create good bonds to pursue my passion for teaching and supporting anyone who wants to learn something new. I believe that speaking Spanish is an opportunity, and I would love to help and support those who want to learn to speak it and communicate in another language.


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