

Âge: 26
Experience: 3 an
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Phonétique, Lecture, Anglais britannique
École primaire, Lycée, Classe de sixième
Langues enseignées: English

Mes qualifications

I have done all my high school and college education in the UK. I have my done my high school schooling from 'The Ellen Wilkinson School For Girls' in Acton, London in which I completed my GCSE's. I then went on to study at Harrow Weald Campus College where I have completed my BTEC diploma. I then moved on to studying BSc Sociology at The University of Roehampton where I have achieved a second class honours. I am about to finish my MA from the same university in the degree in Human Rights and International Relations


I am a motivated and understanding person that I can be to ensure that everyone's needs re being met. I have a huge passion of teaching other students who are in any stage of their studies, whether they are in high school, college or even primary school. I have this aim to ensure that my students are being helped in any way possible. For example; if they are unsure or are stuck in a subject or modules, then I will make sure that I go through what they have learnt so far in school and ask them what various chapters they need help. Before class, I will make sure that I plan out my teaching plan according to their needs and go through it during class. At the end of the class, I will go through a conclusion phase, where I will conclude everything that the student and I have learnt, tell them what they have learnt so far and set them homework for the next class to see how well they remember.


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