5.0 (1 avis)


Âge: 28
Experience: 4 an
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Trigonométrie, Arithmétique, Algèbre, Mathématiques appliques, Algèbre linéaire
Mécanique, Magnétisme, Électrodynamique, Grandeurs physiques, concepts, tâches
École primaire, Lycée
Langues enseignées: English, Malayalam

Mes qualifications

Im a postgraduate in Physics and now Iam trying to get my second postgraduation in Bioinformatics in Teesside University, UK. Also I worked as a home tutor in India for more than a year and I worked as a teacher in a prestigious institute Brilliant Study Center, India for 9 months. During these period I interacted with young minds and create a rapot between us. I wanted to teach students in a unique and simple way.


I am an enthusiastic person who wanted to learn new things. I believe that teaching young minds will also make me to learn new things. I explain lessons in a unique and simple way, I always treet students equally and I always respect their views and doubts, so I love to clear their doubts in an easy way.


Classes with Lakshmi Mam have been so worthwhile! She has an amazing way of breaking things down so that they are understandable, and always keeping it light and fun.
9 Mars’ 23

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