

Âge: 36
Experience: 12 an
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TOEIC, Anglais des affaires, IELTS
Lycée, Classe de sixième, Université, Adultes
Langues enseignées: English, French

Mes qualifications

I have been an English teacher / TOEIC-IELTS trainer for over 10 years now, in Higher Education in several business schools in Paris, including Sorbonne Université, Paris School of Business (PSB), ESG, and ESGCI. I teach Bachelor's and Master's students who specialise in multiple fields, which has broaden my expertise in Business English. My education background is rather diverse. I graduated with a master's degree in communication in 2010. As an eternal student with an unquenchable thirst for knowledge, I resumed my studies in History in 2015 and completed my Bachelor's degree in History in 2018. I then started my Master's degree in Egyptology which I completed in 2021. Finally, I started my PhD in Egyptology this year, which should keep me going for about 4 to 5 years.


I strongly believe that the best and most effective approach to teaching is one that takes students into account. During my classes, both in school and in private lessons, I make it a priority to listen to my students in order to provide them with the most personalised teaching possible. I want to offer my students a listening ear in order to help them grow in confidence and feel supported from start to finish.


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