

Âge: 26
Experience: 3 an
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Python, Java, HTML, CSS
Université, Adultes
Langues enseignées: English

Mes qualifications

Masters in Computer Science (Distinction) at the University of Birmingham


Attention, students! Struggling with Java? Let's conquer it together! As a Software Engineer with a Master's in Computer Science, I offer virtual lessons in Java, Python, HTML, CSS, and PHP. Benefit from my experience at eBay, where I won the Global Hackathon and achieved a Distinction in my Master's Degree. In each 1-hour lesson, we'll cover essential Java concepts using practical examples. From Inheritance to Abstract classes, I'll guide you towards mastering the art of programming. You have the freedom to choose the topics you want to focus on, ensuring personalized learning. My track record speaks for itself. I triumphed in eBay's Global Hackathon and scored a perfect 100% in Software Programming at the Master's level. I understand your challenges and will assist you with assignments and exam preparation. Creating a supportive environment, I encourage questions and experimentation. Your growth and success are my priorities. Together, we'll build a deep understanding of programming. Whether you're a beginner or intermediate programmer, join me on this journey to programming mastery. Let's unlock your full potential and make you a confident Java developer. Schedule your lesson today and embark on this transformative adventure. Contact me now!


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