

Âge: 55
Experience: 32 an
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ESOL, ESP, FCE, EAP (Anglais à des fins académiques), Rédaction de CV, Rédiger une dissertation, Lecture, TOEIC, Anglais des affaires, Anglais britannique, CAE, CPE, IELTS, TOEFL
École primaire, Lycée, Classe de sixième, Université, Adultes
Langues enseignées: German, English

Mes qualifications

Masters in IT Application Development, Postgraduate Diploma in Education Research, Bachelors Honours in French and German. 30 years teaching ESOL including Director of Studies, Curriculum Developer, Cambridge Examiner. 10 years teaching IT and ICT: A Level, IGCSE.


I have over twenty years’ experience of EFL in Europe, the Far East and the Middle East teaching all ages and levels in general and academic English. I have also been an examiner for the full range of Cambridge Oral Exams and have prepared classes for general and academic IELTS. In eight years working for British Council Middle East, I have served as line manager for other teachers and represented my organisations’ products and services in the local community. I specialise in teaching using ICT technology and have been ICT coordinator responsible for training staff and students in many aspects of I.T, including the use of office systems and CALL software. I hold MSc in I.T. Applications Development, in addition to a Postgraduate Diploma in teaching English (DELTA) and a Bachelor of Arts in Modern Languages, and a postgraduate diploma in further research in Education.

I have worked on English for Specific Purposes in the Qatar Oil and Gas industry as a teacher and curriculum developer, with particular responsibility for the design, evaluation and implementation of industry-specific course books, workbooks and software at Elementary, Pre-Intermediate and Intermediate level for many departments within the industry including technical departments and production. I have also taught business and technical English in Jubail, Saudi Arabia and on loan contract to the Institute of Public Administration in Dammam where I taught business communication and English for Computer Programmers. I was also Director of English at a Petrochemical Refinery in Jubail, responsible for all aspects of the running of an English for Specific Purposes Department for General and Technical English.

In recent years I have been an English Coordinator and Curriculum Developer in Vocational Training, an English teacher for Cambridge exam preparation, an instructor for military, technical and aviation English, and a teacher of ESL, IELTS, and IT at IGCSE and AS Level in Shanghai and IGCSE in Qatar.

I can be available from 4 pm until 7 pm GMT on Mondays to Thursdays and can travel up to 30 minutes out of the city centre for a face to face class as well as online.


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