

Âge: 29
Experience: 5 an
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Cours d'essai gratuit
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Anglais des affaires
École maternelle, Université, Adultes
Langues enseignées: Afrikaans, English

Mes qualifications

Higher certificate in Adult Education and Training, Degree in psychology counseling, Honors Degree in psychology counseling, Program in grade R teaching, Certification in Administration


Hi there my name is Kauser which is an Arabic name. I'm from South Africa which is filled with diversity of people from all countries and different languages. I'm a part time student since completing my basic education. I love education and furthering my knowledge with the hope of one day completing my Masters in Psychology Counselling to help people and make a difference in so many lives. My hobbies are based one gardening, fishing, playing with animals, taking care of my cat, cooking, and always studying something at a university. My teaching experience is based on a classroom approach, although I believe in quality over quantity. it not about how much you can learn, rather what you learn must be perfected and you have the confidence to use it at any given time, teaching involves reading materials any books you have interest in. I enjoy teaching adults as well as children. Help on everyday basic such as writing emails or helping with language pronunciation for work and so forth. You tell me your goals and ill gladly assist with helping you to accomplish them. Feel at ease, confident, and relax in a class with me as you can think of me as a friend rather than just an educator. I look forward to meeting you.


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