

Âge: 21
Experience: 2 an
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Phonétique, ESOL, ESP, EAP (Anglais à des fins académiques), ACT, Lecture, Anglais des affaires, IELTS
École maternelle, École primaire, Lycée
Langues enseignées: English

Mes qualifications

Hello! I'm Kate, and I bring a Level 5 Advanced Diploma in Teaching English to the table. With one year of tutoring experience under my belt, I've developed a knack for connecting with students and fostering a supportive learning environment. My passion for English is infectious, and I'm eager to share it to make a positive impact. I thrive on building relationships and believe in the transformative power of language education. I'm excited about the opportunity to contribute my skills and enthusiasm to your platform. Thank you for considering my application!


Hey there! I'm Kate, your future English teacher, and I'm stoked to be on this language learning journey with you. 🚀 So, a bit about me: I've got a Level 5 Advanced Diploma in Teaching English, and I've spent a year tutoring awesome students like you. My teaching style? Well, I'm all about making learning fun and interactive. We'll have conversations, play language games, and dive into real-life situations to make English come alive for you. Now, what sets me apart? I'm passionate about helping you find your unique voice in English. Whether it's mastering grammar, nailing pronunciation, or becoming a confident speaker, I'm here to guide you every step of the way. Plus, I specialize in tailoring lessons to fit your interests and goals. Love music? Let's learn English through song lyrics. Into sports? We can tackle vocabulary while talking about your favorite team. Beyond the classroom, I'm a total language nerd. I'm always exploring new teaching methods and staying up-to-date with the latest language trends. But most importantly, I'm here to cheer you on, celebrate your progress, and make learning English an adventure you'll never forget. So, buckle up, because we're about to embark on an exciting language learning journey together. Get ready to laugh, learn, and level up your English skills like never before! 🌟 Can't wait to meet you in class!


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