

Âge: 28
Experience: 10 an
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Cours d'essai gratuit
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École primaire, Lycée, Classe de sixième, Stagiaire, Université, Adultes
Langues enseignées: English, Spanish, Italian

Mes qualifications

Ciao a tutti, I'm Jessica. I was born and raised in Italy. This is my educational background. I attended the scientific high school in Italy for 5 years. In 2020 I graduated in Languages and Literatures for Publishing at the University of Verona and I am currently studying to get the master in Comparative European and Non-European Languages and Literatures. I've been studying English and Spanish as main languages, with C2 certifications at University of Verona on both idioms. I also have basic knowledge on German, B1 certificated.


Ciao a tutti 👋 I'm Jessica, I'm 26 years old and I was born and raised in Verona, Italy. I've been working as a private tutor for over 8 years. I started it as a little job to get some incomes but it turned out to be one of my biggest passion. I love teaching privately because I do believe students feel much more inspired to learn in a more cozy and private environment. I'm speaking from experience when I say that, indeed students are more involved in the whole process of learning and they tend to be comfortable when a teacher dedicates her/his working time only to them. I’ve worked with kids from primary and middle schools mostly, but I also have tutoring experience with adolescents. I’ve been teaching scientific school subjects such as Math and Algebra mainly (since I graduated at the scientific high school) and English and Spanish. I would like to start to teach Italian to all of those bold students that are willing to get in touch with Italian language and culture. Trust me when I say Italian it’s one of the most beautiful idioms in the whole world, with such a great background history. I’ve mainly worked with face to face tutoring lessons, but during Covid pandemic I started to learn how to teach from remote. I just love teaching!


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