

Âge: 22
Experience: 3 an
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Trigonométrie, Géométrie, Arithmétique, Algèbre, Algèbre linéaire
Biologie cellulaire
Langues enseignées: English

Mes qualifications

Going to study music at City University of London Grade 5 distinction (74/75) inMusic Theory Studied one year Civil engineering at Imperial College London 4 A* at A Levels Maths, physics, computer science and spanish 7 grade 9s at GCSE 1 grade 7 1 grade 8 and one grade A


I've been on the MyTutor website for over a year and I have multiple 5 star reviews. From a young age I have been enthusiastic about maths, and I have always wanted the opportunity to officially tutor students. I like maths because it lets me be creative in the sense to find a solution that better helps me to understand the world around me. In my own words, a great educator is one that can: decompose challenging or new concepts, be able to adapt to improve on what is required of the student (whether that be on revision techniques or content related), and be able to complete such tasks of being able to teach the student whilst being willing to listen and learn from their own students. I am confident that I can and have shown the ability to fulfill the 3 points aforementioned. A fact is in my words, a variable state of consciousness, and hence there are several "truths" out there per circumstance. What I am saying is that a student may have been taught, for example, to multiply with the column method in a different way, and so the educator will then need to be able to understand the new method in order to optimally assist the student further. This is almost like "an essence of respect". If the educator is willing to listen and learn from the student, then the vice versa will come to pass more times than not, and this stipulates the underlying factor that puts educators above others as long as tangible results are at hand; rapport.


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