

Âge: 25
Experience: 3 an
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Géométrie, Arithmétique, Algèbre, Mathématiques appliques, Algèbre linéaire
Optique, Magnétisme, Grandeurs physiques, concepts, tâches
Python, Java, HTML, CSS
École maternelle, École primaire, Lycée
Langues enseignées: English, Hindi

Mes qualifications

State Secondary Education: Scored 93.60% Higher Secondary Education (Science): Scored 84.04%. Received a full scholarship form the state government for scoring in the top 1% in the state.

Bachelors: Instrumentation Engineering (University of Mumbai)

Masters (Pursuing): MSc. Information Technology(University of Glasgow)


Hi I am Harsh Suvarna. You can call me Harsh. I am a masters student at University of Glasgow. Being a student I know exactly what thing a tutor should consider while teaching. I try to make learning as fun as possible with real life examples. I believe learning can only happen when there is a two way communication between the tutor and the student. I try to make myself approachable as possible so that the student can ask even the silliest of the questions. When I was a student in primary school, I used to struggle with asking questions in the fear what will the tutor think of me or what if I annoy them asking too many questions. I keep all these things in mind and I try to have a productive two way learning environment. Would be really glad to see you in the future. Happy learning!


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