

Âge: 24
Experience: 5 an
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EAP (Anglais à des fins académiques), Rédiger une dissertation, Lecture
École primaire, Lycée
Langues enseignées: English

Mes qualifications

My name is Hannah and I am a recent graduate from the University of Texas at Austin with a Bachelor of Science in Applied Learning and Development, Youth and Community Studies. Upon graduation, I completed a professional development sequence, which included my student teaching in both a high school and a middle school, and as well as a summer program focused on writers workshop to rising 7th graders. I wanted to make learning fun and engaging for my students, but also wanted to treat them like whole individuals. I am certified in Texas to teach 7-12 grade English Language Arts and Reading as well. Throughout my time at UT Austin. I also tutored on the side and this fueled my passion for teaching.


Hi there! My name is Hannah and I would love to be your tutor if you need a little or a lot of help in the English Language Arts and Reading realm. I am a UT Austin graduate (Hook 'em!) and focus on a lesson/collaborative/writers workshop based approach when it comes to learning and I think this style has been most productive not only for me, but for the students I previously had in my student teaching placements. In addition to this, I also would like to know your interests and keep them in mind for anything that we could add to out tutoring lessons and help you learn better this way. Thank you for reading! •ᴗ• Please let me know if you have any additional questions and I would be glad to hear from you!


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