

Âge: 34
Experience: 8 an
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FCE, EAP (Anglais à des fins académiques), Rédiger une dissertation, Lecture, Anglais britannique, Anglais américain, IELTS
Lycée, Université, Adultes
Langues enseignées: English, Turkish

Mes qualifications

  • Middle East Technical University- English Language Teaching- Bachelor’s Degree
  • Dr. Ridvan Efe Ufuk University- English Language Teaching Bachelor’s Degree


In language teaching, I give private lessons with the latest and applicable methods currently being given in America, Canada, and England. Thanks to these methods, which vary according to needs and goals, I get extremely productive results. I have the knowledge, experience, infrastructure and materials to give private lessons suitable for all levels. I get at least 95% efficiency with all the students I teach.

As a boarding scholarship student at Anatolian Teacher High School, studying Foreign Language, English, I started my undergraduate life with METU, Department of English Language Teaching. I started and completed it with a scholarship in the Department of English Language Teaching at Ufuk University. I embarked on a journey of academic self-development in England thanks to the scholarship I succeeded. I also completed my education in London under the name of "Foreign Language Teaching" affiliated to Oxford. Afterwards, I returned to the country and spent years in Institutional Colleges and language courses, mostly in Ankara. I continue on my way by crowning my academic journey, which I also support with various seminars and certificates, with my success in Private Lessons.

It is a different feeling and a source of pride to accompany you, my esteemed students, as a very good guide and a very good teacher on the way to their goals, with years of experience.


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