

Âge: 30
Experience: 5 an
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ESOL, EAP (Anglais à des fins académiques), Rédaction de CV, Rédiger une dissertation, Lecture, Anglais britannique, IELTS, TOEFL
École primaire, Lycée, Classe de sixième, Université, Adultes
Langues enseignées: English, French

Mes qualifications

Masters' degree - MSc Development Management London School of Economics and Political Science Bachelor' degree - Arabic and French Joint Honours University of St Andrews French - A*, A Level (The Leys School, Cambridge) Geography - A*, A Level (The Leys School, Cambridge) Maths - A, A Level (The Leys School, Cambridge) CELTA - Certificate of English Language Teaching to Adults, Pass B


Hello, My name is Gloria! I am 28, and passionate about teaching and learning. I have experience teaching English as a foreign language to primary and secondary students and adults around the world. I am also an experienced tutor in a range of subjects, having worked for IntoUniversity and coordinated after-school tutoring sessions for secondary and primary students. I am most passionate about tutoring in English, French, Maths and Geography. My passion for teaching comes from my own experience of the fantastic opportunities that a good education and qualifications can provide - I want to support others to achieve their goals and broaden their horizons too! In my free time, I love horse riding, cooking, travelling, reading and spending time with family and friends. I look forward to working with you :)


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