

Âge: 31
Experience: 2 an
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Cours d'essai gratuit
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Géométrie, Algèbre
École primaire, Lycée
Langues enseignées: English

Mes qualifications

First Class Honors Degree in Computer Science Guide to Teaching English as a Second Language (ESL) Current tutor of KS3 UK Mathematics


Hi, I currently tutor Math online (United Kingdom KS3 curriculum) in English three times a week. My teaching session is a one-one format as it is one of the best methods of teaching one particular student, observing their learner personality type and adapting my teaching methods to bring out their best performance. My present student is aged 14 and has two learner personality types; 1. Logical - He solves most of his Math questions in his mind and tends to make mistakes which I am helping correct by making him write the steps of solving questions in his notebook. 2. Visual - He enjoys infographics and learns faster when I explain them rather than black-and-white letters and numbers. He also gets bored if the questions are too easy, so I employ pop quizzes in class and assignments after class. I acquired the "Guide to Teaching English as a Second Language (ESL) certificate to provide a solid foundation in teaching English to young learners (December 2022). The certification training enables me to employ TPR (Total Physical Response) in all my class sessions. I know how to keep my classes exciting and how to identify the 7 types of learners. As a tutor, it is paramount to understand the students you teach, their strengths and weaknesses and help them perform at their best level.


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