

Âge: 31
Experience: 5 an
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Cours d'essai gratuit
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Trigonométrie, Géométrie, Calcul infinitésimal
Langues enseignées: English, Turkish

Mes qualifications

I got my bachelor's degree in civil engineering and my master's degree in Earthquake Engineering and Engineering Seismology. I have completed my PhD in applied mathematics recently.


I have a PhD in applied mathematics. During my PhD, I have been running tutorials for several modules like Calculus, Introduction to Probability, Probability and Statistics for undergraduate students. In my tutorials, my approach is to understand students’ needs on a personal level to motivate and encourage each of them to ask questions and to be creative by helping them to develop their own ideas I really enjoy observing how creative ideas can come up. I like to create an innovative and fun learning environment for students where they can freely ask their questions. For private tutoring, I have a similar approach, I first evaluate at what level a student needs help for a module, then I explain the reason behind why the student has troubles, how to solve them and make sure that the student understands my explanations by solving questions/ exercises together step by step. Then, I can follow what steps the student might still have problems with. I ask the student to do more exercises to make sure that everything is clear and if there are still no clear points, I explain again by pointing out the possible mistakes and any confusing steps. The best way to learn is actually making mistakes and finding the right from the mistakes, so this is my approach.


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