

Âge: 38
Experience: 9 an
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Trigonométrie, Géométrie, Arithmétique, Algèbre, Algèbre linéaire
Lycée, Classe de sixième, Université, Adultes
Langues enseignées: English, Sinhala

Mes qualifications

Master of Philosophy (M.Phil.) in Electronic Engineering, University of Moratuwa – Sri Lanka. - The research was grounded on the general areas of Machine and Computer Vision - Thesis: Geometrically constrained object tracking across multiple calibrated cameras within a Bayesian Framework - 2014 - The programme duration was two years (2012 - 2014) Bachelor of Science (Special), Computational Physics, University of Colombo, Sri Lanka - Received a Second Class Honors with a GPA of 3.33 - The duration of the programme was four years (2006 -2010) Currently, reading for MSc in Data Science with Advanced Research at the University of Hertfordshire, UK (01/2023 to 06/2025). GCE O/L 2002 in Sri Lanka: 8As and 1 B Mathematics - A GCE A/L 2005 in Sri Lanka: 2As and 2Bs Combine Mathematics- A, Physics-B, Chemistry-A, General English: A


I'm a dedicated lecturer with over 8 years of experience facilitating online and in-person learning in small and large groups for higher education. I am dedicated to improving student knowledge, skills, and application through coursework and problem-solving. I am goal-oriented, creative, committed, and competent in teaching mathematics and statistics for computing and management courses at the foundational, HND, and degree levels. I am flexible in coping with challenges and adapting to various circumstances to enhance student learning. I have a passion for teaching mathematics and am also interested in tutoring mathematics for secondary schoolchildren.


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