

Âge: 34
Experience: 11 an
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Trigonométrie, Géométrie, Arithmétique, Algèbre
École primaire, Lycée, Classe de sixième, Stagiaire, Université, Adultes
Langues enseignées: English

Mes qualifications

TEFL with 2,000 hours of experience across southeast Asia. (Math English and science) BSc & MSc in computer science and Business(Computer Games Technology) I specialised in the application of graphics for Virtual reality amongst other things, like photogrammetry, Lidar data, Meta data, 3D modelling, lighting and Technical Art in general . 5 years experience building tech companies and working with metadata. (Zump) 18 years of skating with a manual of 3 minutes almost a world record at the time, 3 students up to 12 years 1 is sponsored now.


I started teaching young in South-East Asia mainly Thailand and Laos. I found that I have the natural ability or empathy to figure out where a student is coming from and figure out using a combinations of interactions, games, Storytelling and lessons to create a deep understanding of the topic not just to pass a test. I have been teaching English, Math and Science to some degree for the past 16 years on and off while doing Degrees and setting up tech companies. I particularly enjoy the Feynman Technique when teaching/tutoring.


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Lycée, Classe de sixième, Stagiaire, Université, Adultes