

Âge: 28
Experience: 4 an
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Lycée, Classe de sixième, Stagiaire, Université, Adultes
Langues enseignées: English

Mes qualifications

Hi. I graduated with a degree in mathematics and Italian at Trinity College Dublin and I have over 3 years tutoring experience.

I have grown up studying the art of teaching and how students learn well. I have a broad education and can talk about ancient history, the elements of classical music, Latin texts, Jane Austen and Charles Dickens, Italian literature, and of course anything to do with maths and numbers. I have regularly taught in different ways while reading maths and Italian at Trinity College Dublin and have since started a PGCE teacher training course in maths.

Before university, i completed two years of a liberal arts and philosophy program at Our Lady of Guadalupe Seminary which broadened my education and helped harness my teaching skills. Among other subjects I studied Latin and Euclidean Geometry. At the end of secondary school, I achieved an A1 in maths and was in the top 2.5 percentile for my year for Leaving Certificate (a broader A Level equivalent) reflecting my abilities in both maths and exam preparation.

I already have experience teaching a weekly class of 10 young teenagers Latin as well as giving grinds in Maths, Music, and Latin to different ages and types of students. I'm a patient and considerate teacher and hope to bridge the gap that often plagues students in mathematics. I promise to be a good tutor and guide during some of the most formative and decisive years of your life.


I have grown up studying the art of teaching and how students learn well. I have a broad education and can talk about ancient history, the elements of classical music, Latin texts, Jane Austen and Charles Dickens, Italian literature, and of course anything to do with maths and numbers. I recently started teacher training and I hope I can help you reach your academic and overall potential.


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