

Âge: 54
Experience: 33 an
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Phonétique, ESOL, Lecture, Anglais américain
École maternelle, École primaire, Lycée, Classe de sixième, Université, Adultes
Langues enseignées: English

Mes qualifications

B.A: Biblical Studies, 120 Hour TEFL, CDA Certification, Montessori Trained


Hello! My name is Christine and I have been a teacher for 30 years and I have loved EVERY minute of it! Give your child a fun, loving, highly-skilled and engaging teacher

Who I am

Being a teacher has been a lifelong dream for me- from the time that I was small I knew that I wanted to help others achieve their grandest ambitions. Before moving to the gorgeous state of Colorado, I grew up on a farm in a small Iowa town that developed a deep sense of community and fellowship in me. The ever-present examples of mutual care, respect and personally sacrificial investment in the community members resonated deep within me and these are values that I utilize in my classroom.

Teaching experience

I have my bachelor’s degree in Biblical Studies, Child Development Associate certification, Reading Specialist certification and a 120-hour TEFL certification. My classroom experience includes Montessori training in a stellar Montessori school along with numerous continuing education modules to maintain state certification. Additionally, Whales English, VIPKID and Magic Ears provided amazing training to prepare me as an online ESL teacher. These experiences have shaped my teaching philosophy to include applying education to relevant life skills such as learning a new language.

Teaching style

After my daughters were born, I decided to focus my skills on a smaller scale than the traditional classroom & started my own school. With a limited number of students, I was able to provide a quality education focused on the unique learning styles of each student. This opportunity fostered my own style of teaching that is tailored to each student and focused on success through individualized instruction, individual interaction and sincere, genuine encouragement. I believe that as the world gets “smaller” because of international travel and ever-expanding global industries, communication is key and therefore, teaching a language, such as English, is one of the best and most important “jobs” there is!


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