

Âge: 27
Experience: 3 an
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Cours d'essai gratuit
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Phonétique, ESOL, EAP (Anglais à des fins académiques), Rédaction de CV, Rédiger une dissertation, Lecture, Anglais britannique, IELTS, TOEFL
École maternelle, École primaire, Lycée, Stagiaire, Université
Langues enseignées: Afrikaans, English

Mes qualifications

My name is Catherine, I am a qualified (NQF) level 5 and 6 graduate and qualified chef, I specialized in hospitality management where I pursued my line of profession up until the recent years after the Covid-19 era. As if then I have found a passion and a love for teaching, That is when I started to do independent English tutoring for students in and around my home town for 1 year and 3 months, this made me realize that I can make a difference in people and children's lives and helping them accomplish and strive to pursue their lifelong dreams, I than successfully completed the 120-hour TESOL/TEFL Certificate from the World TESOL Academy to further my educational background and would love to gain more experience in the educational systems.


Hi! My name is Catherine, everybody calls me Cat, I have an energetic and kind personality, warm hearted in a sense where I love to make and see people smile! Helping and learning is some of my strengths and if I can accomplish doing so, it puts a smile on my face too. I have 1 year and 3 months experience in English tutoring and strive to build up my knowledge and experience throughout the online teaching environment. I specialize in teaching students the perfect way of speaking, reading, writing and learning the English language and to do so to my full potential. I believe that learning should always be fun for every learner in my class. That is why I believe in the teaching methods indicated by Howard Gardener where it is important to know all my learners' different levels of learning and to adapt my lesson and teaching to their needs, thus integrate them with each other for successful learning and to always reach their full potential.


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