

Âge: 25
Experience: 6 an
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Cours d'essai gratuit
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École maternelle, École primaire, Lycée, Classe de sixième, Stagiaire, Université, Adultes
Langues enseignées: English, Spanish

Mes qualifications

-Degree in Primary Education 2017 – 2021 Faculty of Education and Sports Sciencies. Vigo University. -Curse: Teach science with programming, robotics and interactive digital blackboard. An approach to computational thinking. 2020. Vigo University. -Curse: Approach and methodology in bilingual classrooms. 2021. Nebrija University. -Curse: Get to know the library and learn to find, evaluate and use the information. 2018. Vigo University.


I'm a teacher and a Spanish native. I guarantee you will learn Spanish so fast and have fun. Spanish can be sometimes a difficult language and it needs to be taught in a smart way to make things easier for the students. We'll work together on it and your Spanish level will improve every week. I always prepare my classes in advance and every class is different because every person learns differently. During our classes, I'll find out what's the best way for every person to learn, and with that information, I will make the classes as easy as possible for you. Not only do my students work hard, but I also work hard as well to make classes as enjoyable as possible.


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