

Âge: 24
Experience: 5 an
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Cours d'essai gratuit
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Anglais américain
École primaire, Lycée, Classe de sixième, Stagiaire, Université, Adultes
Langues enseignées: English, Korean, Turkish

Mes qualifications

I'm a 23 years old Turkish woman who is really interested in different languages and cultures. I studied English language in high school and Korean language in college. I have different job experiences such as translating, tour guiding and teaching. At teaching, I have 3 years of experience. Mostly teaching Turkish people English or Korean. I can do it the other way around. I'm a fun person and my educational system is based on learning on the lesson rather than giving homeworks. I believe that a good teacher can teach a subject on the lesson so that the student can use it fluently by not memorizing but learning. I'm looking forward to see you in a learning session.


I'm 23 and I accept everyone who is eager to learn. Race, skin color, age or whatever you may feel uncomfortable about is not an issue for me. I'm open to everyone from every age. I believe in chemistry in learning process so I try to make my classes fun. At teaching, I have 3 years of experience. Mostly teaching Turkish people English or Korean. I can do it the other way around. I'm a fun person and my educational system is based on learning on the lesson rather than giving homeworks. I believe that a good teacher can teach a subject on the lesson so that the student can use it fluently by not memorizing but learning. I look forward to see you in a learning session.


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