

Âge: 35
Experience: 8 an
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Phonétique, IELTS
École maternelle, École primaire, Adultes
Langues enseignées: English

Mes qualifications

My educational journey has been both diverse and deeply rewarding, setting a solid foundation for my professional career. I began my higher education at the University of Abuja, Nigeria, where I earned a Bachelor of Arts degree in English Literature with a 2nd class Upper division. This experience not only honed my language and communication skills but also cultivated my ability to think critically and appreciate diverse perspectives. Recognizing my passion for teaching and working with children, I pursued a Professional Diploma Certificate in Education from Corona College of Education in Nigeria. This program deepened my understanding of effective teaching strategies and techniques, particularly in regard to individualized learning and special education. Most recently, I have been undertaking an MSc. in Software Engineering at the University of Westminster in London. Although this might seem a departure from my previous education and roles, it has enriched my skill set, enabling me to integrate technology effectively into my work and keep pace with the digital world. In addition to these degrees, I have achieved various professional qualifications that demonstrate my commitment to continuous learning and professional growth. For example, I am a licensed teacher with the Teachers Registration Council of Nigeria and have earned certificates in areas such as Additional Educational Needs detection and identification, Data Protection & GDPR, and Child Protection and Safeguarding for Staff in International Schools. I am also a Graduate Member of the Nigerian Institute of Management and hold a Professional Postgraduate Diploma in Customer Relationship Management.


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