I'm Blaise Malaba, classically trained singing teacher based in London with over 6 years of teaching students of different levels.
The tones of the human voice possess a power and charm far superior to those of any musical instrument. The object of vocal study is to make the voice irreproachable in its intonation, firm, strong, flexible, extended, and to correct its faults. The theoretical and practical vocal method that I offer starts with elementary exercises, and contains a series of basic and progressive vocalizations necessary for the formation of the vocal mechanism. A rational and progressive course of vocal gymnastics will develop a great elasticity as well as great power contractions in the muscles of the vocal organ, without causing fatigue. Singing in many ways is a form of physical, mental, spiritual, and communicative activity, requiring consummate coordination among all its parts. That`s why I encourage students to cultivate a habit of analysing and mentally preparing the exercises before singing them.
Singing is an art, and one the most difficult of the arts to master, and any one who attempts to learn it must be prepared to be devoted, work regularly and be patient with himself because the learning process requires time. There`s no difference in the level of devotion to practice between a professional and amateur singer considering that they both must aim for quality and healthy singing. The character of the voice is not determined by range of notes, but by quality and timbre of tone. The voice must be described and used with reference to its quality, or volume and timbre, and not with reference to the number of notes which you can sing. A good method of singing must always be in harmony with nature and the laws of health. There is a special individuality in ...