

Âge: 57
Experience: 7 an
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Cours d'essai gratuit
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Classe de sixième, Stagiaire, Université, Adultes
Langues enseignées: English

Mes qualifications

Hello! I'm Billy, and I'm delighted to connect with you. I’m from South Africa. I come to you with a wealth of experience, having earned certifications as an Agile Scrum Master (ASM) and an Agile Certified Practitioner (ACP). With five years of tutoring experience and an impressive 13 years in the field of Project Management, I'm here to guide you on your journey. I hold a Post-Grad in Project Management qualification, which further enhances my ability to assist you. I assume a “Servant Leadership” identity where my primary focus is to serve you, by putting your needs first, and being empathetic and compassionate about your learning experience in Project Management. I'm empathetic, compassionate, and committed to supporting you every step of the way on your path to achieving your Project Management qualification. It would be my honor to be a part of your learning journey!


My approach is centered around the needs and abilities of each individual student, with the goal of providing a learning experience that emphasizes the development of practical skills and knowledge. I use the integration of technology into the learning experience and include the use of multimedia materials, interactive tools, and other digital resources that can enhance the learning experience. The lessons are not just “another class" you have to take, but something that can be useful in your personal & professional life, fun, and engaging as well. I am excited to begin this learning journey with you and walk on this new adventure together. I am eager to meet you and start our collaboration, so let's get ready to dive into it. I have bundles of enthusiasm and a real ambition to succeed. I am adaptable and flexible to new ways of doing things. I am part of a solution and enjoy moving forward with my students to unlock new possibilities as a collective. I believe in a Mantra: " If you add a little to a little and do this often, soon the little becomes Great" The task ahead of us can never be greater than the power within us! So what are you waiting for? Sign up for my lessons today and let's start your learning journey together. I can't wait to see what we can achieve!



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