

Âge: 23
Experience: 7 an
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Cours d'essai gratuit
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Trigonométrie, Géométrie, Arithmétique, GMAT Quantitative, Algèbre, Mathématiques appliques, Algèbre linéaire, Abaque, Abitur, Calcul infinitésimal, SAT Math Test
Mécanique, Électrodynamique, Grandeurs physiques, concepts, tâches
École primaire, Lycée, Classe de sixième, Stagiaire, Université, Adultes
Langues enseignées: English

Mes qualifications

GCSEs taken 2017: 3A*s, 4As, 4Bs A-levels taken 2019: A* Maths, A* Further Maths, A Physics University College London: Mathematics Masters Undergraduate


Hey, I'm Albert. I am currently studying a maths degree at UCL and have been teaching a large range of age groups for several years now. My teaching method is thorough, to ensure students attain their desired mark, but I also encourage creativity when solving problems and try to provide real world examples where the maths is used to powerful effect. I have taught both online and in-person and have rapidly improved the ability and confidence of my students. My strongest asset is my youth, as I have an intricate knowledge of current syllabuses and recently took these exams. One of my student's parents left this review on my online profile: "Before coming to Albert for help, with just 2 weeks to go until his A level maths exam, my son Harry was expecting to fail. Now, after a only a handful of lessons with Albert, not only has he passed his exam, he got 98%!!!! A gifted tutor."


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Ich bin ein sehr offenkundiger Mensch, dem es Spaß macht, neues zu lernen und sein…
Anglais, Allemand, Français, Géographie, Histoire, Physique, Mathématiques
École maternelle, École primaire, Lycée, Classe de sixième, Stagiaire, Université, Adultes
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Hochschulreife, Lerntherapeutin, laufendes Psychologie-Studium, Coach
Géographie, Mathématiques, Allemand, Anglais
École maternelle, École primaire, Lycée, Classe de sixième
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Ich bin eine aufgeschlossene, auf den Menschen zukommende und sehr freundliche Person.…
Biologie, Histoire, Mathématiques, Allemand, Anglais
École primaire, Lycée, Classe de sixième, Stagiaire, Université, Adultes


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Ich gehe sehr gern mit Kindern um und verbringe gern Zeit mit Schülern.Mir hat das…
Anglais, Allemand, Mathématiques, Latin
École primaire, Lycée, Classe de sixième
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Mathématiques, Physique, Biologie
Lycée, Classe de sixième, Stagiaire, Université, Adultes